My sessions will often focus on a pre-set goal or approach, unless we are working freestyle, where I will ask you to come ready with a few topics of concern that you are wanting to work through. We will take a couple minutes to discuss these topics before getting started, while we create a safe place for healing to occur.
Once we are settled in, I will connect with your personal guidance, who is also the consciousness that is you. This is the part of you that is all knowing and has all the answers. Your guidance knows exactly what is needed to free you from the past so you can embrace who you truly are. I will take their lead on how we proceed for the rest of the session.
I use my own healing system to communicate with your guidance. This consists of a form of muscle testing I use to navigate an extensive map, to get answers and feedback from your guidance quickly, so I can identify what needs to be released, integrated or discussed further. I also use intuition to elaborate on the information I receive, through verbal communication or images I receive from your guidance.
Sometimes we will release repressed emotions or complex patterns associated with wounded parts of the self, and other times, I might receive messages or be guided to explain concepts that will help you navigate these issues in your life.
The bigger picture of my approach is, that I work within your field of consciousness where you hold all the information that makes up who you are as a person. All of this information is energy, and energy has resonance that differentiates it from other energy. I work in your field of resonance to release lower vibrational energy that doesn't match your frequency, so that you can naturally attune to your own personal resonance, helping you feel lighter, more risilient and able to address life's challenges.
Too often, we match up with other vibrations that aren't a good fit for us that cause us to leave our center. When we start putting others before ourselves, or fall prey to external influences over our own knowing, we let our guard down and make ourselves vulnerable to external energies that can make us emotionally sick and even physically sick. My goal is to help you release the external noise, and discover the clarity of your own knowing.
I may work within your family lineage to restore ancestral family patterning. The work I do is shamanic in nature, but my tools look different. So, I may also work within the spirit realm to clean up external interference that is influencing your energy, as we often don't realize what we allow in our field of consciousness due to emotional trauma we've experienced, particularly from childhood, and often assume these influences are part of who we are, when actually they are just holding us hostage in a false perception of self identity and reality.
I also help you identify who you really are apart from your experience that has shaped you, so you can discover your personal purpose. Sometimes we are merging past life lessons or other timelines that are holding us back. I may also help you through an awakening or ascension process like a "dark night of the soul". These types of experiences can be derailing and even scary and I have the tools you need to safely arrive on the otherside of any experience you are faced with.
I can work on any topic you bring to the table. Nothing is off limits, even if it's otherworldy, dark or scary. I am skilled at transmuting it, while holding space for you to restore balance back to center. Areas that I specialize in are personal or relationship issues, embracing change, leaving a partner, learning to love yourself, finding your purpose, gentle awakening, finding one's own authority, feeling broken, childhood trauma, abandonment, shaming, bullying or neglect, connecting with one's guidance, attachments, learning to trust, healing the past, hauntings and otherworldly issues and phenomenon.
A Note On Highly Sensitive Individuals...
Many of my clients are highly sensitive and/or empathic in nature, like myself, and may struggle with emotional or sensory overload, particularly when they are in vulnerable or unhealthy relationships. They may also experience chronic pain, as well as chronic and reoccuring health issues due to being vulnerable to energies around them. A highly sensitive person may become physically ill when someone is upset with them, whereas, an empathic person may seek to be the rescuer and will literally experience another's experience and possibly take on illness, as if they are attempting to lighten another's load, but this does nothing but hurt them.
While some may feel their sensitivities are a curse, your sensitivities are actually gifts and allow you to experience life on an entirely different level than others. While this may be painful and often excrutiating in some ways, it's also like being an open vessel to receive information and wisdom, in a sensory way that others may feel closed off to, and when you learn to manage your gifts, you learn to manage what you take in. With that said, depending on the amount of trauma one has experienced, especially in their younger years, will often decide the intensity of their sensitivities, due to the disassociative quality of trauma. Once an individual is disassociated they are no longer in their center and their energy becomes split. They will then seek to fulfill this disconnect externally, not understanding that the disconnect is within them and can only be satiated internally. The more time they spend outside of their center, the more susceptible and vulnerable they are to external energies, which often makes healing two-fold, as you have to identify and release what's not yours before you can strengthen what is yours.
Luckily, there are ways to navigate around these sensitivities, by learning awareness techniques and integrating the dissociative parts of the self that cause an individual to feel split or polarized in the first place. The more anchored one feels in themselves, the less likely they are to feel vunerable to external energies. Not only does this take practice and determination, but it takes a lot of self acceptance, and honesty. There is no magic bullet that allows you to skip out on your life lessons. Our traumas and sensitivities are all pieces to the puzzle that we are here to master and forgive. Yet, after years of developing these methods, I feel I have found the most efficient tecniques possible to get there, while still honoring one's process.
For years, I thought I could bypass the healing process and miraculously be healed by a healer or through a simple mind shift, without having to go through the motions. While I do believe it's possible to heal instantaneously, I think that people have a misunderstanding of what it means to heal instantly. When the conditions are right, healing occurs, instantly, but does instantaneous healing occur without creating the right conditions? And what does it mean to create the right conditions? This could be different for different people. I personally believe I was never meant to miss out on my healing process and the wisdom I would gain from it. I was never meant to unconsciously heal, which meant, I would have to consciously understand what was preventing my healing and choose to shift it, while accepting the consequences of allowing the outcome of that healing process. In other words, I had to be okay with the outcome of healing, which seems like a no brainer until you realize that the outcome could be something that terrifies you, or terrifies many parts of you. The only thing standing in the way of your healing is you, and that's why it's necessary to make a conscious choice to heal and allow for something new. We can all choose to heal, and we can all choose to be sick, but the process of healing is through acceptance of what we cannot control. Letting go of what we continually attempt to control is paramount so we can allow for something else to take its place. Bottom line is, healing is a conscious process that takes accountability and the ability to choose something different. We can't rely on others to do all the work for us. I can lead you to water, but I can't make you drink it. With that said, if you choose to accept responsibility of your healing process, in that choosing, you know that it includes consciously implement the work and being accountable for yourself, and when you do this, I am there to help you through the thick of it, holding your hand through the process, being the supportive ally that you never had.